Well...God reveals Himself again. Yesterday at 3:30 pm I got a phone call from a woman who is the mother of one of my co-workers. She called to tell me that they wanted to add Simba to their family. I've never in one moment been so mixed-emotioned. I literally was smiling and crying all at once. Smiling because God had answered one of our biggest prayers and Crying because that meant I would have to give my baby up. It felt absolutely wretched. Not to mention I felt completely awful at the fact that I was so sad given the fact that God had blessed us so greatly. Our deadline was today and he answered our prayers. So...sometime this weekend, the Archers are going to come and pick him up. I seriously hope I'm at the store or something when they do.
Last night, we stayed up a little later, kept Simba out a little longer and let him have more than one bone to chew on. There was this weird eerie cloud hovering over the night like we were preparing for him to be euthanized or something. Of course, he was cuter and more well-behaved than he has ever been in the year and a half that I've had him. I was telling him to bite me and rip up my socks so it would make the transition easier. He just kinda looked at me like, "Mom, why are you so sad?" Which unfortunately has been one of his best qualities since I've known him. No matter what, when I am sad, he always knows. He alwasy walks slowly toward me and nudges his head under my hand, kinda saying, "if you pet me, I know you'll feel better." And I always do. My only prayer now is that he will be an even better dog for them than he has been for Mike and I. I don't want him to misbehave. I don't want him to be a terror. I want him to sometime in the near future think of them as "mom" and "dad."
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