Saturday, July 19, 2008

Eastview Youth

One of our most fun and energetic (and incredible singing) groups is the youth group from Eastview Christian Church. There are always A TON of them and they just bring such a great energy to this island. Not only are they fun but they are also AWESOME examples of young people stepping out on faith and moving away from the norm.

This youth group supports one of our National pastors, Indriss. He is the pastor of a Haitian Church in a neighborhood called Pontezuela. So the youth did a VBS there and handed out an awesome love offering at the end...sandals! It was such a great gift and the look on the kids faces were so great. I got goosebumps just watching Drew, the youth pastor and long time advocate for G.O., and Indriss handing out the sandals together. It was such a picture-perfect moment of an international partnership and friendship.

Eastview Youth from Amanda Braisted on Vimeo.

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