Monday, September 29, 2008

Eastview Christian Church

I had the unique experience to be part of our annual women's conference this year. It was seriously the best. Not only because I got to be with several of my closest friends (who have also become family) without husbands or kids but because it was all about freeing yourself from things of the past.

We all have a past. But its never comfortable to talk about it which is why this conference was so impacting this year. A lot of the speakers spoke on abuse or mistreatment as well as forgiving the people who mistreated you and allowing God to heal you of your hurts. It was very refreshing to hear women be so open and honest about their situations, whether it be past or present.

The highlight of the weekend away for me was the last 45 minutes of the conference. They had everyone write on a piece of paper things from their past that they don't want to be burdened by anymore. Whether that be something they've done or something done to them. Then when they threw those pieces of paper in the trash the American women who were hosting the conference went around and laid hands and prayed for EVERY SINGLE WOMAN! Not one was missed. And although neither women knew what the other was saying, God knew and I know he was pleased. So enjoy the show. The women's conference part is the second half of the show.

Eastview Christian Church from Amanda Braisted on Vimeo.

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