Monday, May 07, 2007

Celebration of Partnerships

April 18-20, G.O. Ministries celebrated partnerships in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. All of our American staff (including our state-side staff), our board members and the National partners of G.O. Ministries congregated at a camp ground for a time of fellowship.

We had several countries represented, such as; Dominican Republic, Haiti, Belize, Colombia, Mongolia and the U.S.. We had a special speaker, a pastor from Colombia, that gave the sermons to inspire our national workers. We also had a special guest from Colombia to do specifically praise and worship.

Our days consisted mostly of seminars in the morning and then free time to love on each other in the afternoon. Then at night we would have a service of praise and worship, a sermon on the Word of God and prayer for all of our growing ministries. It was incredible to be a part of something so international that was all revolved around the blessings that God has bestowed upon G.O. Ministries. It was a time of praise and thanksgiving.

Below are a couple of pictures from the weekend. Enjoy and please continue praying for these partnerships as there are many more national workers in need of an American partner.

John Koehler (a missionary from Mongolia) that G.O. Ministries has recently begun supporting, giving a devotional to encourage us to be "real" with God

Jhon Dario from Colombia leading us in praise and worship

All of the workers who were part of the celebration in a time of worship

Praying specifically for the Americans who are involved in the ministry

Group shot of all G.O. Ministries represented at the Celebration

A recent pic of Mike and I during the Celebration

1 comment:

Jennifer Goodenough said...

Luuuuuuv the prego pic!