Last night we had the youth group over and another couple that helped us move ALL of our stuff to the new house on Sunday. We were so thankful and they did it in an hour and a half! Here are a few pics. (By the way, they ate 22 hamburgers, 20 hot dogs, 2 super huge bags of chips and 4-2 liters of soda...had no idea teenagers ate that much!)
The back patio...Mike keeping an eye on the burgers and dogs.
A little "before dinner improv" (these guys are super talented)
The grub...putting our little grill to good use!
Let the feast begin...that table was a disaster by the end of the night
Mike and guys hanging out talking about none other
Couple of the youth group guys
The girls
After dinner improv using rap instrumentals at their background beats
This is classic Landon and Daddy...they have a limit to "visitor time" so they find a way to hang out and airplanes and helicopters.