Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Just wanted to post a couple pictures of the kids from the Dominican. Aren't they beautiful? It was such an awesome experience to be working one on one with them. I'm not going to write much today (quite honestly I don't feel like anyone reads this anyway) but I'm just going to give a run down of our "projected" schedule.

April 7-8: Yard Sale (postponed to April 21,22 due to weather)

April 13-16: Virginia for Easter

April 21-23: Yard Sale

April 26: My last day at work

April 29: Mike's graduation

May 1: Move out of house, go to my family's place to visit for a few days

May 7: Church presentation visit in Virginia

May 12/13: Move to KY

June 3: Renee's Wedding

June 13: Move to the Dominican Republic

Well, there it is, our schedule. Of course it's subject to change but that is what we are anticipating doing for the next few weeks. If you happen to read this blog...could you post a comment or two? It helps to know people are actually responding.

have a good one


DocPoimen said... of little faith, there are people who read the blogs, but if we do not know it is here, how can we. I will set a notice for updates, so I can monitor your adventure. You have my prayers and blessings.

Anonymous said...

Goods! I read this everyday, I just wasn't sure how to post a comment...I now realize. Anyways, You and Mike are in my prayers daily, I know its getting close and there are still so many things you need to get done, BUT I want you to know that I am here for you, always and forever. I love you guys so much and I am so happy that you guys get to experience this next step in your lives.

Mike and Amanda said...

Thank you so much! What a blessing...we appreciate your prayers!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know, sis, that I do read this and things will work out in the end! Love you! Bek

Mike and Amanda said...

Thanks guys!!! You made my day by posting! That was the encouragement I needed.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm reading--I'm just not commenting!

Mark from work :)